何若君,2014年「台灣動感亞洲50」最快的台灣女跑手分享道︰「那次與一眾優秀跑手跑了一場緊湊而高強度的賽事,真的非常過癮,一試難忘﹗」何若君已報名參加今年「OtterBox動感亞洲越野賽 - 台灣站」和「台灣動感亞洲50」兩場賽事。 Q1: 為什麼會選擇參加9月26日OtterBox動感亞洲越野賽﹣台灣站的比賽? A1: 去年因為行程未能配合而錯過了「OtterBox動感亞洲越野賽 ﹣台灣站」。後來有機會參加石門50公里比賽,遇到許多實力非常強勁的本地、海外跑手,很具挑戰性。那次與一眾優秀跑手跑了一場緊湊而高強度的賽事,真的非常過癮,一試難忘﹗所以今年我早早把時間騰空出來,OtterBox動感亞洲越野賽 ﹣台灣站和MSIG 台灣 動感亞洲50都已報名了。 Q2: 是什麼激勵你開始跑越野賽跑呢?你是如何安排時間?怎樣平衡生活、工作和跑步?
A2: 因為爬山多年,我非常喜歡台灣豐富的生態和優美的山林。加上我喜歡跑步,越野跑正好結合了這兩種我最喜愛的休閒活動與運動。平常的練跑並不難安排︰只需要一點閒暇時間和動力,換上衣服、穿上跑鞋就能在家附近的河濱跑跑。週末,我最喜歡獨自或和朋友一起上山跑跑山徑,遠離喧囂,既練習亦休息。至於平衡生活,無可否認把大量閒暇時間用來跑步後,我的確錯過了不少社交活動或聚餐。不過我樂在其中,所以不會抱怨。 Q3:若君您也參加過我們「MSIG 台灣動感亞洲50」。請問您認為準備17公里的賽事和50公里賽事的分別在哪裡? A3: 在「動感亞洲越野賽 ﹣台灣站」的準備方面,我主要以幾場比賽時間相近的越野賽作準備。然而,可惜最近台北幾場越野賽因故臨時取消,打亂了我的高強度練習計劃,只好改成獨自或相約朋友跑山徑,但訓練強度總是不及直接以賽事作為訓練厲害。「MSIG 台灣 動感亞洲50」方面,我則會增加一些山路或越野超馬訓練,因為AAE 50公里難度高,需要有長時間跑步的耐力和意志力。 Q4: 距離比賽還有一個多月的時間,請問若君是如何準備呢?(如跑步時間、距離及頻率、訓練地點、訓練方式、飲食等) A4: 我的目標是達到月跑量三百公里。一週大約練跑五天,平日以十公里左右作為基礎訓練,週末則日跑山徑十五公里。 Q5: 在比賽準備和訓練方面,您對來參加動感亞洲越野賽台灣站的越野跑新手們有什麼建議? A5: 如果是初次參加越野賽事,我建議做點功課,先把裝備準備妥當,包括合適的衣著、跑鞋、水壺、腰帶及水袋等。盡可能多安排幾次山徑練跑,因為每一次的山徑練跑都是鍛鍊體能、山徑技巧和測試裝備的好機會。切記不要在賽事時使用從沒用過的新裝備。 Q6: 你對本場比賽有什麼期待?(比賽成績、比賽路線、比賽感受、身體狀況等) A6: 我還沒有機會試跑這場比賽的路線。但翻看幾段去年賽事的影片,發現領先的跑手都一直保持穩定的、流暢的速度跑著。今年跑了幾場自己很不擅長的陡升賽事,自覺仍然有許多進步空間。所以這次我給自己的目標是保持穩定而流暢的跑速,挑戰自己的耐力和持久力,一跑到尾,愈戰愈強。
“Addiction to run in nature” “Addiction to run in nature”, said Jochun Ho, the fastest Taiwanese female runner at Taiwan Action Asia 50 last year “I am now totally addicted to technical trail running races. For me, these tough races are definitely full of fun and tension”, said Jochun Ho, the fastest Taiwanese female runner in Taiwan Action Asia 50 2014 who also marked 26 September - OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan on her calendar. Q1: Why did you choose to race in the upcoming “OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan 2015” on 26 September? A1: Last year, I missed the race because of my tight schedule. I took part in Taiwan Action Asia 50 50K instead and I had the opportunity to get to know both local Taiwan and international elite runners who are also very passionate in trail running. Because of the challenging and unforgettable experience that I had at that race, I am now totally addicted to trail running. For me, these tough races are definitely full of fun and tension. Therefore, I reserved the race date 26 September earlier this time and I have signed up both OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan 2015 and Taiwan Action Asia 50. Q2: What got you into trail running? How do you arrange your time so that you could balance your social life, work as well as trail running training? A2: I had several years hiking experience before I started trail running. I am in love with the fruitful nature of Taiwan, especially the stunning view from the top of the mountains. Meanwhile, I love running a lot. Trail running enables me to combine these two of my favorite exercises together. As long as you have a little time and motivation, It is really not that hard to arrange some training routine. With a pair of running shoes and a t-shirt, I can simply run by the river bank close by. At weekend, I enjoy spending my time on hiking myself or with friends to pursue quietness and peacefulness. I did give up some of my social life for training, but this is the lifestyle that I have chosen and been enjoying. Q3: As it’s a 17k race, how will you preparing for OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan 2015 this September based on your experience? A3: As for the preparation for 17K, I planned to join some similar trail running races but due to the cancellation of those races, I changed to train with friends now, even though the trainings are comparatively less in terms of speed and hardship. I try to do more mountain run for Taiwan Action Asia 50 in November as it requires much more endurance and willpower. Q4: As the 2015OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan is only a month away, how do you train now? A4: My monthly training target is 300K. I usually run 5 days per week, 10K for weekdays and 5K more at weekend. Q5: In terms of preparation and training, can you give trail running beginners some advice? A5: If this is your first time joining trail running race, you should definitely do some solid trail running training in advance as you can improve your physical agility, mentality and skills by practice. Remember to prepare suitable necessities for the race, including sport t-shirt, running shoes, water bottle, flip-belt and so on. Also, you probably don’t want to test brand new running shoes or other equipment on the race day. Q6: What is your expectation of this race in terms of result, route, and health condition? A6: I still haven’t got the chance to do the recce run yet so I’m not very familiar with the exact route. But I have watched videos of the race last year and I discovered that having a stable performance with a relatively smooth run is the key to reach a satisfying result in this race. My target at OtterBox Action Asia X-Trail Taiwan is challenge myself both physically and mentally while be able to maintain a stable performance throughout the whole race.